

Previous generations often disapproved of individuals engaging in multiple trades simultaneously. The typical response would be the proverbial “jack of all trades, master of none.” Although often cited as wisdom, this assumption challenges the notion that a person cannot excel at and pursue multiple careers. Generation X and those following it are challenging this belief about work, serving as inspiration for many to move beyond self and tradition-imposed limitations, especially in a time where having multiple streams of income is necessary.


What empowers this generation to juggle various roles effectively? Firstly, there are more options available, accompanied by a wealth of information on how to navigate each pursuit, thus minimizing the learning curve and the traditional barrier of the cost of education. Secondly, technology plays a crucial role in enabling individuals to operate more efficiently, granting them additional time to explore and excel in multiple areas within a shorter timeframe.


Many foresee the younger generation potentially falling into the poverty trap due to heavy engagement with social media, gaming, and YouTube. However, a significant number will steer clear of this fate by leveraging their talents to monetize these platforms. Not only are they mentally and culturally prepared to be entrepreneurs, but their adept understanding of technology positions them to accumulate wealth rapidly, surpassing the achievements of previous generations.


Despite their prowess, the jack-of-all-trades generation faces a formidable adversary: viral culture. The allure of overnight success and the unprecedented speed at which success unfolds present challenges. While older generations can draw inspiration from the younger generation’s tenacity and confidence, it’s essential for the younger generation to glean from elders’ steadfastness and commitment. They must recognize that every success has a process, and this process doesn’t always yield quick results. A delayed takeoff does not equate to failure.


In navigating the fourth industrial revolution, those destined for success will discard traditional mindsets limiting their approach to work and abilities. They’ll embrace technology akin to the younger generations while upholding the commitment to excellence and the strong work ethic exemplified by their elders.


Previous generations often disapproved of individuals engaging in multiple trades simultaneously. The typical response would be the proverbial “jack of all trades, master of none.”

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Social Selling: The Next Wave of Social Media

The evolution of social media has been a transformative journey, progressing from image and text-centric platforms to the current prominence of video content. Social media has significantly transformed lives, connecting people virtually and empowering others to become millionaires by leveraging these platforms for marketing products or services.

The next frontier in social media is poised to elevate sales to unprecedented heights, as platforms embrace commission-based selling within their featured shop functions. This commission feature, reminiscent of traditional commission and affiliate marketing programs, enables individuals to earn a share of the sales for products they promote, even if they don’t own the company. What sets this apart is the streamlined process of discovering commission-earning products on social sites, fostering seamless connections between brands and potential affiliates, and simplifying the purchasing process within the same platform where the product is presented.


“The next frontier in social media is poised to elevate sales to unprecedented heights, as platforms embrace commission-based selling within their featured shop functions.”


We are entering an era of social selling akin to the home-shopping style networks, marked by an innovative sales strategy that leverages social media platforms for personalized and authentic customer interactions rather than relying solely on conventional sales methods.

Prophetic Economic Insight 

TikTok, at the forefront of this evolution, introduces social selling with the commission feature, setting a trend likely to be followed by other major platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and potentially YouTube. This development presents a lifeline for small businesses with limited marketing budgets, offering an alternative to organic reach impacted by unpredictable algorithm changes. Small businesses can now connect with their target audience without hefty ad budgets or the expense of influencer partnerships, resulting in higher conversion rates as affiliates authentically pitch products to their trusting followers.

While the impending surge of individuals engaging in social selling may seem overwhelming, presenting a new wave of “hustlers,” it holds significant economic promise. This trend provides income opportunities for individuals with only basic skills but proficiency in technology and social media, akin to the transformative impact witnessed over the past decade on platforms like YouTube and other social media outlets.

“For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him.” Colossians 1:16

While technology has always had its share of naysayers and people who demonize its use, God, in his sovereignty, has created these tools ultimately for the advancement of the gospel, the benefit of mankind, and the promotion of human flourishing. It would behoove us to make the best use of these tools as well as our time to generate wealth so that we can not only bless our families but society as God intended. 



Previous generations often disapproved of individuals engaging in multiple trades simultaneously. The typical response would be the proverbial “jack of all trades, master of none.”

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“History shows that technological advancements typically transform how we work, our ability to provide for our families and the overall improvement of society. One such transformation is the global labor force transitioning from a mass population of employees to a mass population of entrepreneurs.”


The role of AI software, apps, and function options within online companies has taken the world by storm, surprising many over the past year. Though this technology has been a part of our lives for years, its heightened prominence, functionalities, features, and use cases have left many excited and others fearful. As with previous industrial revolutions, there have always been winners and losers, as well as benefits and disadvantages. Overall, society has typically improved, life has become easier, and the transition out of poverty for millions has followed every technological revolution in our history. This new era is no different.

Despite fears and real concerns that AI technology will result in job losses for many in the labor force, we should err on the side of positivity. History shows that technological advancements typically transform how we work, our ability to provide for our families and the overall improvement of society. One such transformation is the global labor force transitioning from a mass population of employees to a mass population of entrepreneurs.

What is currently considered a large company based on employee numbers will likely transition to employing a small number of highly skilled managers at the executive level. These managers will oversee a mix of entrepreneurs/contractors and AI software performing tasks traditionally done by larger staff. This will enable companies to produce faster and more efficiently using data-driven AI for repetitive tasks, drastically increasing revenue and profit margins for those who invest wisely in technology and innovation.

But what about low-skilled workers who aren’t entrepreneur-minded? As with every economic change, the options are to adapt or face consequences. Many will suffer not from a lack of access but from a failure to adapt. Workers will need to develop skills that complement AI, such as critical thinking and soft skills as well as learn how to use the technology to enhance and market their skill. They will also have to abandon the long-held idea of job security in the traditional “corporate job,” as these positions will become scarce and highly competitive and embrace entrepreneurship. Additionally, workers will need to understand the basics of finance, managing, and marketing a business, even as a freelancer or solopreneur.

The good news is that education is now more affordable and accessible than ever before. Thanks to the abundance of free and affordable information, individuals who haven’t completed high school or college can learn skills freely and quickly. This transition may not be difficult for many, especially those under the age of 40. Gen Z has witnessed its peers becoming millionaires and even on track to become billionaires by creating content and becoming entrepreneurs on platforms like YouTube, gaming sites, and other social networks. Many Gen Zers, when asked about their future aspirations, express a desire to become content creators or gamers.



While some view this as a setup for failure, as most content creators do not generate significant wealth from their content, they are being encouraged to tap into their creative skills and monetize those skills independently, unlike previous generations who primarily sought traditional employment. The greater implication is that they are embracing their creative talents and natural skill sets intending to generate income. It is up to their parents, in partnership with their trusted educators, to guide them professionally, harnessing their skills, talents, and passions.

As mindful as we are of AI technology’s development and the potential opportunities it offers, we must also recognize the platforms and spaces created over the past decade that facilitate the transition from employment to self-employment. Platforms such as Fiverr and Upwork have become hubs connecting businesses with freelancers. Shopify, Etsy, and Amazon have emerged as e-commerce platforms enabling individuals to generate income, often as side hustles, with many transitioning to full self-employment. Sites like Teachable and Kajabi have opened up a relatively new industry in coaching and skill-set training outside traditional education settings. The prevalence of these platforms, coupled with the use of AI, will undoubtedly continue to create economic opportunities and time freedom for individuals and families globally. Could this be a middle ground for those who support socialism as opposed to capitalism, offering access to wealth and ownership to would-be laborers? Probably not, as there will always be those who, for various reasons – some societal, some personal – fall through the cracks and live in poverty, regardless of a nation’s prosperity.

Jesus says in John 12:8, “The poor you will always have with you.”

The success of global economies will hinge on whether leaders prioritize the flourishing of their people over greed and oppression. This includes refraining from increasing taxes on business owners and over-regulating new technology, as well as the public’s willingness to pivot and adapt in the new and inevitably changing industrial era.


Previous generations often disapproved of individuals engaging in multiple trades simultaneously. The typical response would be the proverbial “jack of all trades, master of none.”

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